Member Rules
High Lane Club is a family oriented, fun, casual year round club with many activities and events held each month. We expect all members to be respectful of each other, the grounds, and follow the rules established by the Board of Directors in the bylaws. We would like everyone to enjoy our beautiful facilities and grounds in the safest possible manner.
General Rules & Expectations
General Expectations
Welcome to High Lane Club(“HLC”). HLC is a family oriented, fun, casual, year-round social and sports club with many activities and events held each month. We expect all members to be kind, respectful, and treat others, including the HLC staff, the way you would like to be treated. Please play fairly with others, avoid inappropriate language, and resolve disagreements in a positive way. Disrespect of HLC employees, verbal or otherwise, will not be tolerated. If you must use your cell phone while in the vicinity of others, please be respectful of their privacy and desire for a peaceful experience.
Parents or caregivers of children under twelve (12) who bring such children to HLC MUST be on HLC property with their children at all times. If your child is left unsupervised, you will be called to pick them up. Please make sure the office has your current home/work/emergency phone numbers.
HLC Correspondence
All event notifications, HLC information and updates, invoices, and meeting notices are sent via email to the membership. Please make sure the office has your current email address.
HLC Billing Policy
A billing statement will be emailed to your primary email address on the first of each month. Monthly dues and/or any charges will be considered late after the 15th of the month and will be charged a $25.00 late fee if payment is received after the 15th.
Any member wishing to resign from the club must send a written letter addressed to the Board at least 30 days in advance.
Accounts must be paid in full before a resignation or leave of absence is approved.
If a member in good standing resigns and wishes to rejoin HLC, they will not have to pay an initiation fee if the time between their resignation and rejoining is less than the total time they were paying members. i.e. They were paying members for 5 years and left for 2 years, no initiation would be due. If the absence exceeds 5 years, initiation fees would be due upon rejoining.
House & Grounds Policy
Please help to keep our grounds as clean as possible by picking up after yourself and your family and guests throughout your visit and before you leave for the day. This includes disposing of trash and restoring furniture to its original location after use.
No pets are allowed on HLC property except for service animals required because of a disability.
As a member of High Lane, you may “rent” portions of the facilities for a private party. Please check with the office for further details and information.
Clubhouse and Lounge Policy
Parents are responsible for the actions, safety, and well-being of their children.
Children 12 years old and under are not allowed in the clubhouse or lounge without a parent or caregiver.
Users must be respectful of club property in the lounge, including the pool table and furniture. They should only be used for their intended purposes.
Wet pool attire is not allowed by anyone using the lounge.
No pushing, running, or roughhousing inside the clubhouse or lounge.
Individuals who use the lounge and clubhouse must clean up after themselves.
Please turn off lights and electronics when no one is in the lounge or if you are the last to leave the building or deck.
The stage and control room are off limits at all times (unless working on a special event with HLC permission).
Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, and Weapons Policy
Smoking & Drugs
Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, and possession or use of illegal drugs are prohibited on Club grounds at all times.
Recreational drugs (legal or illegal) may not be used on High Lane Club property.
High Lane Club is a family-oriented facility and as such, consumption of alcohol on the premises must be in moderation. To ensure the aims of the club are upheld and that the club and its members manage alcohol responsibly, the following requirements will apply when alcohol is consumed at the Club:
Under no circumstances is glass (alcohol or otherwise) allowed anywhere except in the clubhouse, on the deck, and on the tennis patio.
Per the Articles of Association, no alcohol may be sold on the premises.
High Lane Club members may bring their own alcohol to the Club for personal use in a discreet container
Underage Drinking is not permitted
Alcohol may not be consumed by persons aged under 21 anywhere on the property.
Allowing or assisting those under 21 years old to consume alcohol is prohibited and may result in suspension or expulsion of membership per
Article VI Section 7 of the HLC Bylaws and/or be subject to legal consequences.
The Club discourages excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol.
Members or Guests that appear to be intoxicated may be asked to stop consuming alcohol and/or asked to immediately leave the premises.
An incident log will be maintained and any incident will be recorded and communicated to the Board.
Alcohol may not be consumed while in the pool – only along the pool deck and grassy areas.
Alcohol use is not permitted during any swim or dive meets.
Alcoholic beverages and containers should not be left unattended.
Unattended beverages and/or containers will be discarded.
The Club will strictly enforce this alcohol policy at their discretion and reserves the right to request that individuals in violation of these policies immediately leave the premises.
HLC is committed to maintaining a safe environment and prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on HLC property. A dangerous weapon is defined as a firearm or any other object that, in the manner of its use or intended use, is designed to or traditionally used to inflict harm.
Guest Policy
The tennis courts, pickle ball court, pool, clubhouse, lounge, and grounds are for the use of members only; however, members may bring guests. Members who sponsor a guest must register the guest before using the pool, pickleball, tennis courts, or grounds/clubhouse. Guests must always be accompanied by a member of HLC.
Guest Visits
Any member who wishes to have a guest must sign their guest in at the pool main entrance gate, tennis shed, or clubhouse.
Guest forms are available in the black binder located on the desk by the pool deck at the main entrance gate and in the mailbox at the tennis shack.
Guests must be signed in regardless of whether an employee is working at the desk.
No member may sponsor more than four (4) individual guests on any one occasion, except in the case of hosting a family.
A member may sponsor the same guest no more than 2 times per month.
Guest Fees
Guests can be individuals, families, or house guests. All guest fees will be added to your invoice in the month following your guest(s) visit.
An individual guest fee is $8.00 per guest per visit.
For special events and holidays, guest fees are $15.00 per guest per visit.
A family guest fee is $25.00 per visit.
For special events and holidays, family guest fees are $40.00 per family per visit.
An individual pickleball or Morris Dance guest fee is $5.00 per visit.
An individual house guest weekly pass is $50.00 per week.
A house guest is defined as someone who does not live in the member’s household more than 6 months per year.
An individual house guest monthly pass is $200.00 per month.
A family house guest weekly pass is $150.00 per week.
An application for summer guests must be made through the office and approved by the Board for all monthly guest pass requests.
Babysitters/caregivers are not charged as guests and do not have a limit on the number of times they can attend. However, the babysitter/caregiver must always be in the presence of the member and/or member’s children when the parent/guardian is not present. Where applicable, the babysitter/caregiver may participate in HLC activities to aid the child(ren) in their care.
Any member failing to register a guest shall be subject to a $25.00 fine in addition to paying guest fees.
If any member continues to violate this rule, the member shall, subject to the discretion of the Board, be suspended from the Club, be denied guest privileges, or have the membership suspended or revoked.
The Board of Directors may withdraw or limit guest privileges at any time
For tennis and pool specific rules, please refer to the HLC Tennis Rules and HLC Pool Rules.
Any member who is found in violation of any HLC Bylaws or Rules/Policies will be held accountable as deemed appropriate by the Board. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the office or Board.
Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24, 6/4/24
Pool Rules & Expectations
We wish to have a safe and fun summer together. To foster such an environment, it is important for members to understand that we are a community, and all of our actions have potential consequences. The HLC Board kindly asks that all members keep this in mind, be cognizant and attentive to their children, and most importantly, exhibit behaviors that reflect the values of a kind, supportive, and safe community.
We ask that members treat lifeguards with respect. They have a responsibility to keep us and the pool area safe. Ideally, there will be limited items that require addressing by the lifeguards, but in the event a situation arises outside of the typical minor use of “whistles,” any members, parents, or those serving on the Board or Committee Member, may be asked to support the lifeguards in addressing inappropriate behavior exhibited by a pool user. Please be respectful of all lifeguards and their decisions - any concerns or questions should be directed at either the Head Lifeguard, a member of the pool committee, or Board member. All incidents and inappropriate, dangerous, or rude behavior will be recorded in the Incident Log.
This year we have implemented a modification to the previous "no eating" rule on the pool decks. We will be allowing food and drinks (in a discreet metal or plastic container only), with the expectation that EVERYONE cleans up after themselves. However, if we find food or wrappers in the pool and and/or on the deck, this modification may be rescinded. High Lane does not employ a custodian to clean the pool areas - that work is left up to the members. Please be aware of this expectation.
There is no lifeguard on duty at the kiddie pool. As such, it is expected that parents are attentive to children as they enjoy the water.
The kiddie pool is primarily intended for infants, toddlers, and children, age 7 and under, who cannot yet swim. Any child using the kiddie pool is expected to behave in a way that does not impact smaller children that are using the pool (no rough-housing, horse play, etc.).
Disposable swim diapers must be worn at all times in the kiddie pool for those children not toilet trained. This "diaper rule" will be strictly enforced.
Any messes made by families and children should be cleaned up by the family as they occur. A hose or broom will be available to make this easier to do.
Lifeguards are not babysitters. Please keep an eye on children, regardless of their swimming ability, and encourage safe use of the pool and diving areas.
No persons are allowed to be on the pool deck without lifeguards on duty, as it leaves yourself and the Club open to liability.
Please wash or shower before entering the pool, especially after playing tennis or other strenuous activity.
No running on any pool decks.
Children under the age of twelve (12) must always be accompanied by a parent or caregiver while they are at the Club.
During thunderstorms, the pool, deck, and surrounding play areas will be closed. These areas will not be allowed to open until 30 minutes after the last thunder has occurred, as determined by the Senior Lifeguard on duty. The Senior Lifeguard is responsible for closing and reopening the pool and surrounding areas after a weather closure.
Any child using the main pool must be 3 years old and toilet trained for at least three months. Violation of this rule will result in a $300 fine.
Children wearing swim diapers, no matter what age, are NOT allowed in the main pool.
Children with any floatation devices must be accompanied by an adult in the pool.
No tubes, noodles, barbells, or other flotation devices are allowed for use in the main pool with the explicit exception for lessons, by adults using the lap lanes, or adults who require assistance due to physical limitation.
No diving from the black line to the shallow end wall, no jumping over the stairs or sliding down the railing on the shallow end stairs.
No sitting or hanging on the lane lines, pulling on the flags, jumping backwards off the wall, or sitting/standing on kickboards (they are only used for kicking in the lap lanes), no cartwheels into the pool, no jumping on others or pushing others into the pool, kids cannot go on each other’s shoulders.
No jumping off blocks (reserved for swim team) or climbing on Lifeguard chairs.
Lap lanes are reserved for swimming laps.
Bathing suits/swim attire must be worn. Non-swimwear, such as cut-off shorts, tee shirts, etc., are not allowed in the pool.
NO GLASS containers or breakable objects (like ceramic bowls) of any kind are allowed on pool property. The Club will not be held liable or responsible for any monetary fees, fines, repair costs, business interruption costs, and medical expenses that arise as a result of damage to the pool property, health code violation, or interruption of pool service that occurs due to broken glass and will be the sole financial responsibility of the offending member and/or their guest(s).
Please clean up after yourself and your family when leaving the pool deck (towels, clothes, toys, etc.). Plastic bottles are allowed.
Consult the posted rules on the pool deck.
One person on the board at a time.
Before diving, make sure the area is clear around the board and that the previous diver has reached the ladder.
Only one bounce at the end of the board.
Jump/Dive off the front of the board (not to the side of the board)
No hanging on the end of the board.
No standing on the railings or running on the board.
Please see the General Rules for additional rules that apply to the pool as well as club-wide.
Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24
Tennis & Pickleball Rules
Tennis Rules
Dress Code
Use of non-tennis shoes on Har-tru courts can cause both damage to the courts and/or personal injury, therefore, tennis sneakers with flat soles are required for court play.
Running sneakers, flip flops, Crocs, work boots, or casual flats may not be worn.
This rule applies to everyone including young children.
Appropriate tennis attire is encouraged at all times. Proper tennis attire includes tennis shorts, tennis skirts/dresses, and tee/athletic shirts.
Bathing suits, beach cover ups, long dress pants, or jeans are not permitted.
Be a positive example on court and play in a courteous manner.
Children and beginners are looking to you for appropriate behavior.
Please refrain from using profanity.
Yelling, swearing, racquet throwing, and abuse of equipment is not acceptable.
Keep in mind that others are playing next to you. When carrying on a conversation please do so at the net rather than from baseline to baseline.
Cell phones must be turned off or left in vibrate mode when on the courts.
Upon entering/ leaving a court, please wait until the ball(s) on any adjoining courts are no longer in play.
Do not cross behind active play.
If a tennis ball comes on your court, return it to the original court once that court has ended play.
All balls, ball cans and lids, cups, and drink containers should be disposed of or taken home by the players, as there is no trash committee for the club. If balls go outside the fence, they should be retrieved so they do not become litter.
Court Usage
You must sign in to play on the Tennis board at the Tennis Shack with the court number you will be playing on and your start time to secure your court.
Court play is limited to 60 minutes unless nobody else is waiting to play.
When your time is up, you must come off the court and give your court to the person who is at the top of the waiting list. You may not invite someone else to play doubles with you and start your time again. You can sign in on the waiting list and wait for an available court to play again.
People waiting to play should proceed to the next available court.
During the off-season, courts and lines must be swept after play by Members prior to leaving their court.
Players are expected to exercise good judgment concerning the playability of the courts.
Courts must not be used during wet periods when it is obvious that play will damage the playing surface.
Final authority on playability of the courts rests with the Tennis Committee or its designee.
Youth 16 years of age and under must relinquish courts to adults after 5:00 pm weekdays, and all day Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.
Members are prohibited from providing lessons to other members or club guests on the Club property for any type of monetary gain or barter on or off the Club property. This rule does not apply to members who are on the tennis staff payroll and who may give lessons for a fee.
Sunday Morning Mens’ Tennis
From 7:00 am until 10:00 am on Sunday morning, courts 1,2,3 are reserved for Men’s play. The other courts remain available for general club usage.
Indoor Pickleball Usage Guidelines & Rules
Soft soled sneakers or athletic shoes are required.
Each pickleball session is limited to 90 minutes.
Up to 6 people can reserve the court for one session.
Any member interested in playing pickleball must download the Team Reach app to view/schedule court time.
Select HLCPB as your Group Code.
Guests must be signed in following the HLC Guest Rules.
Guest slips can be found on the desk nearest the deck facing the tennis courts.
When reserving a time to play, please have all participants reserve their time on the Team Reach app.
You can also reserve court as an individual and see if any other members are available.
Please provide playing ability (beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate, etc.).
You can also use the Team Reach chat feature to send messages to the full list of participants or individual members.
When playing with children under 14, please note their age in the comments section on your reservation.
When signing guests up to play, please list the guest’s name in the “comments” section of the Team Reach app so potential players have an accurate count of participants.
Please note cancellations on the Team Reach app as soon as they are known.
Please be aware that volunteers are opening and closing the court, so please be respectful of their time and commitment to indoor pickleball.
Any questions, please email John Higgins at
Please see the General Rules for additional rules that apply to tennis as well as club-wide.
Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24
Duckpin Bowling Rules (Currently Unavailable)
No messy foods are allowed in the alley. Beverages can be brought in, and best closed-lid containers.
Clean dry sneakers can be worn in place of bowling shoes. No flip flops, boots, or high heels.
When children present, bowling activity is to be supervised by adults.
There is one bowler on a lane at a time.
A ball is not to be thrown until the previous ball has gone from sight (into the pit) and must not be thrown in the air.
A ball is never to be thrown if a red light is on.
The red light means the pin setter is in cycle.
The pin setter must complete the cycle, or damage to the machine can be incurred.
Kitchen Rules
There is not a functioning kitchen.
The refrigerator/freezer is for member use.
The kitchen is to be cleaned after each use.
Left over food must be thrown in the waste receptacles.
Dirty dishes and utensils must be washed and put away.
Any member who is found in violation of the Member Rules/Policies will be held accountable as deemed appropriate by the Board of Governors at the High Lane Club.