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High Lane Club Membership Application

Please fill in each box below. 

When finished, click the button at the bottom of the page to submit form. 

To complete your application you must do the following:
1. Complete application above
2. Have your sponsor submit the applicant recommendation form

3. Read/scroll down to accept the Membership Rules, Bylaws, and full agreement:

The Schedule of Monthly Fees per category is as follows*:

  • Family $179.50 monthly/ $2,154 yearly

  • Single with Family $162.15 monthly/ $1,945.80 yearly

  • Couple $153.99 monthly/ $1,847.88 yearly

  • Single $137.77 monthly/ $1,653.24 yearly 

  • Senior Couple (70+) $100 monthly/ $1,200 yearly 

  • Senior Single  (70+) $85.68 monthly/ $1,028.16 yearly

*Rates are subject to change


*Initiation Fee also applies.  After submitting your application, we'll contact you with details. A 5% discount is applicable to annual memberships when paid in full. Please contact for questions. 
​To cover unexpected, emergent costs, High Lane may charge assessment fees in addition to regular membership fees as determined by the Board of Directors. 


A billing statement will be emailed to your primary email address on the first of each month. Monthly dues and/or any charges are late after the 15th of the month, and accounts will be charged a $25.00 late fee.

Any member wishing to resign from the club must send a written letter addressed to the Board 30 days in advance. Accounts must be paid in full before a resignation or leave of absence is approved.

Amended and Restated Bylaws of the High Lane Club Inc. -  June 10, 2024


Article I. Organization

High Lane Club, Inc. (“HLC”) reports itself to the IRS as a 501(c)(7) tax exempt organization, formed under the laws of the State of Connecticut. 


Article II. Purpose

The purpose of HLC is to act as a social and community club, to encourage and maintain community social life, and to provide means of entertainment, recreation, and athletic exercise for its Members.


Article III. Board of Governors

Section 1. Board Definition

The Board of Governors, (“Board”) is the sole governing body of HLC, composed of Governors who are Officers, Committee Chairs (and Co-Chairs), and Governors at Large. The Officers consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The management and control of all of the property and affairs of the corporation shall be in the hands of the Board, chosen in accordance with Article IV, Section 1. 


Section 2. General Powers and Expectations

All members of the Board are expected to attend all regularly scheduled meetings, with consideration of alternative arrangements (web-based attendance, for example) in order to fulfill the duties described below. Board members shall use discretion and good business judgment in discussing the affairs of HLC with third parties. Board members shall not discuss or disclose information about HLC or its activities to any person or entity unless such discussion can reasonably be expected to be in the best interest of HLC.


The Board shall have the authority to:

  1. Call special meetings of HLC;

  2. Set dues, assessments, and initiation fees, and to notify Members of the respective amounts;

  3. Seek and implement alternate forms of revenue in order to support the general purposes of HLC;

  4. Admit new Members;

  5. Make, define, and uphold rules for the use of HLC premises, including use by staff, Members, guests, and any person or group using the facility/and or grounds, and for their conduct on premise;

  6. Suspend or expel Members in accordance with Article VI, Section 7. 

  7. Appoint such other agents and attorneys, with such powers and to perform such acts and duties on behalf of HLC as the Board may determine, and may serve in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity;

  8. Incentivize participation on the Board. The Board may approve a discount on dues paid by Board members for their service. Such discounts shall be communicated to the membership at the Annual Meeting; and 

  9. Create committees and subcommittees as needed that may or may not hold positions on the Board, as determined by the Board.


Article IV. Officers

Section 1. Election/Appointment

Officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership in attendance at the Annual Meeting and serve for a term of two years. Officers are limited to three (3) consecutive terms, unless the Board specifically provides otherwise. In the case of an Officer vacancy, the Board may fill the vacant position from the voting membership by a majority vote of the Board, with subsequent approval by the membership at the next Annual Meeting. Members can self-nominate, nominate other Members from the general membership, or be proposed by the Governance Committee for election to the Board.


Section 2: Officer Titles and Duties  

  1. President

    1. Has general oversight and management of the affairs of HLC;

    2. Sets/monitors goals of HLC and delegates tasks;

    3. Presides over meetings of HLC and the Board;

    4. Is responsible for implementing, monitoring, and updating the long-term planning of HLC;

    5. Responds to the recommendations of the Governance Committee;

    6. Reports on the status of HLC at the Annual Meeting; and

    7. Facilitate, manage, and/or perform other duties as determined by the Board.

  2. ​Vice President

    1. Tracks and understands the duties of the President; 

    2. Assumes the role of the President in his/her/their absence;

    3. Assists the President, other Board members, committees and the general membership;

    4. Responds to the recommendations of the Governance Committee; and

    5. Facilitate, manage, and/or perform other duties as determined by the Board.​

  3. Secretary

    1. Communicates with the Board, prepares meeting agendas, takes meeting attendance and minutes, and keeps records of all official meetings of the Board, Special Meetings, and the Annual Meeting;

    2. Distributes monthly Board meeting minutes to Board members prior to the following monthly meeting.

    3. Oversees (or assumes in their absence) the work of any designated office personnel and/or volunteers which includes fielding membership inquiries or concerns and communicates details to appropriate Board or Committee members;

    4. Maintains general administration of HLC and office records and correspondence, including HLC Membership List; 

    5. Distributes communications including newsletters, invitations, broadcast emails, and meeting notices;

    6. Presents a summary of Board meeting minutes at the Annual Meeting; 

    7. Attends Annual Meeting and be available for questions;

    8. Annually distributes and collects an Acknowledgment and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest Policy form to each Board member; and

    9. Facilitate, manage, and/or perform other duties as determined by the Officers.

  4. Treasurer 

    1. Maintains all records of HLC dues, assessments, and monies collected and disbursed including all financial transactions for the duration of office and hand them over in their entirety to his/her/their successor;

    2. Oversees payroll;

    3. Is responsible for overseeing the filing of state and federal taxes;

    4. Proposes an annual budget to the Board for adoption/modification;

    5. Makes financial reports to Board at monthly Board meetings;

    6. Prepares the annual financial report and report on the current fiscal status at the Annual Meeting;

    7. Works with any designated office personnel, volunteers, and accountant;

    8. Contributes to long-term planning as needed; 

    9. Works with auditor and committees, if applicable, as needed; and 

    10. Facilitate, manage, and/or perform other duties as determined by the Officers.


Article V. Committee Board Chairs and Members at Large

The Board may appoint Committee Chairs and Governors at Large who serve at the discretion of the Board. Committee Chair(s) and Members at Large will be added to the Board as needed, with roles and responsibilities of each position agreed to by the Officers and other existing Board members. 



Article VI. Membership

Section 1. Basic Requirements

Membership is open to any person/family accepted by the Board and who maintains good standing by paying all dues or other associated fees and assessments levied by the Board and who is not removed for or determined as provided in Article VI, Section 7.


Section 2. Inclusion

Membership shall be available without regard to national origin, race, color, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or familial status.


Section 3. Membership Limitations

The Board shall have power to limit the total membership and shall have the power to determine the amount of all dues, fees, and assessments paid by each membership level.


Section 4. Membership levels 

Membership levels include single, couple, single family, family, senior single, senior couple, and honorary. Each Member of a single membership, couple membership, couple in a family membership, or couple in an honorary membership is entitled to vote. Other family members (of any age) do not have voting privileges. 

  1. Family memberships include a Member, spouse/partner, and one or more persons permanently living in the household.

  2. Single family memberships include a single parent and one or more persons permanently living in the same household.

  3. Couples memberships include a Member, age eighteen (18) or older and their spouse/partner who live together in the same household..

  4. Single memberships include one person, age eighteen (18) or older

  5. Senior couple memberships* include a senior Member, age seventy (70) or older, and spouse/partner, age seventy (70) or older, who live together in the same household.

  6. Senior single memberships* include a single Member age seventy (70) years of age or older.

  7. Honorary memberships are non-dues paying memberships granted to a person who was a dues-paying Member for thirty five (35) years or more, with accounts in good standing. Honorary Members must pay all fees and assessments.


Section 5. Application

  1. A person may apply for membership by submitting an application to HLC providing the following:

    1. The first and last name, address, phone number, and e-mail address of the applicant and spouse/partner (if applicable); 

    2. The names, date(s) of birth, and relationship to the applicant of other household members; and

    3. Any other information as determined by the Board.

  2. Applicants must either be sponsored by a current Member or have an interview with a member of the Membership Committee or Board member. To sponsor an applicant, current Members can complete the Member-sponsor form or write a letter to the Membership Committee.

  3. Any member of a Membership who no longer lives permanently in the same household shall be eligible for immediate membership in HLC upon application and acceptance, pursuant to the procedure outlined herein as determined by the Board, notwithstanding any limitation on the total number of Members. Initiation fees may be waived if there is no lapse in time from a previous membership.

  4. HLC reserves the right to conduct background checks in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), other applicable federal and state laws, and HLC procedures. Background checks will be kept confidential and will only be shared with individuals who have a business need to review the information, such as the Membership Committee and the Board.


Section 6.  Rules

All Members are responsible to read and abide by HLC’s established rules and regulations, as promulgated by the Board.


Section 7. Suspension or Termination of Membership

Membership in HLC is a privilege, not a right.  The Board has the authority to admit, suspend, or terminate a Member or Membership by majority vote of the Board.

  1. Termination or suspension

    1. If a Member is late in paying their account more than two (2) consecutive months, then the Board shall have authority to suspend membership until such account is brought current;

    2. Membership may be terminated upon determination by the Board for conduct detrimental to the welfare of HLC, including but not limited to vandalism; dangerous activity; threats; bullying member(s), guest(s), staff, or volunteer(s); non-payment of dues, fees, or assessments; or violations of other requirements under these bylaws or established rules;

    3. Membership may be terminated for any one or more persons in a membership, in accordance with this section, as determined by the Board; and

    4. If a Member is terminated, the Member(s) will be notified in writing at the most recent address available in HLC records.

  2. Resignation

    1. If a Member wishes to resign, they must provide at least thirty (30) days advance written notice to HLC of their intention to resign.

    2. Members are subject to all obligations, including, but not limited to, payment of all dues, fees, and assessments incurred before termination date. Any unpaid dues, fees, and assessments from prior membership must be paid in full before a Member can rejoin.


Section 8. Membership List 

A membership list providing the names of all current Members is available to all Members upon request to HLC. Membership information includes Member name(s), home address, phone number(s), and email addresses.  Members and former Members shall keep the information in the membership list confidential and not use the information except to further the purposes of HLC. Misuse/abuse of membership list will be subject to penalty by the Board.  


Section 9. Member Responsibilities

  1. Members are responsible for their actions, as well as those of their children, other family members, caregivers, and guests while on HLC property. This expectation includes adherence to posted rules established and agreed to by the Board.  Members are expected to, in good faith, abide by rules and fees established to allow for guest access to HLC facilities. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action which could include loss of guest privileges, suspension, or termination of membership.

  2. All Members shall be responsible for the general cleanliness and appearance of the HLC and grounds. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring that any trash generated by a member, family, and/or guest,  is collected and disposed of properly. Members are also expected to assist, when called upon and within capabilities, with general projects of HLC.

  3. Any significant damage by a Member, their children, other household members, caregivers, or guests, as determined by the Board, shall be assessed to such Member. 

  4. Members should report all incidents to HLC. An incident log, as determined by the Board, will be maintained and any incident (accidental or otherwise) will be recorded and communicated to the Board.


Article VII.  Committees

Section 1. Governance Committee

  1. Purpose - The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality, operations, and future viability of HLC. The Governance Committee reports to both the Board and the general membership. 

  2. Makeup and Terms of Service -The Governance Committee is made up of three to five (3-5) Members, or a number deemed appropriate by the Board, who are not currently on the Board. Committee members can volunteer themselves or be nominated by any Member, and must be confirmed at the Annual Meeting. Governance Committee members may serve for a period of three years, and may be renominated for additional terms.

  3. Responsibilities - The work of the committee revolves around the following areas: 

    1. Board Responsibilities Review   

    2. Regularly review and update the Board’s statement of its roles and areas of responsibility, and what is expected of individual Board members.

    3. Assist the Board in periodically updating and clarifying the primary areas of focus for the Board.

    4. Members of the Governance Committee will, should they become aware of any state or federal statute or local ordinance that could affect HLC, communicate to the Board the existence of such statute or ordinance for consideration by the Board.

  4. Board Effectiveness Assessment

    1. Initiate periodic assessment of the Board performance.

    2. Propose, as appropriate, changes in the Board structure and operations.

    3. Provide ongoing counsel to the Officers on actions they might take to enhance the Board’s effectiveness.

    4. Regularly review the Board’s practices regarding Member participation, conflict of interest, etc., and suggest improvements as needed.

  5. Board Member Review and Recruitment 

The Governing Committee shall take the lead in assessing current and anticipated needs related to Board composition and determining the knowledge, attributes, and skills and abilities necessary in order to accomplish future goals of the HLC, including, but not limited to the following:

  1. Identifying potential Board candidates and exploring their interest and availability for Board service;

  2. In cooperation with the Officer’s, contact each Board member to assess his/her/their continuing interest in Board membership and term of service, and work with each Board member to identify the appropriate role s/he/they might assume on behalf of HLC;

  3. Take the lead in succession planning, taking steps to recruit and prepare Members for future Board positions; and/or

  4. May nominate Members for election as Officers.


Section 2. Audit Committee

An Audit Committee, comprised of one to three (1-3) Members, or a number deemed appropriate by the Board, with financial experience and appointed by the Board, but not consisting of the members of the Board, shall audit the Treasurer's accounts and report to the membership at its annual meeting or earlier if the Board so requests. 


Section 3. Long-Term Planning Committee 

A Long-Term Planning Committee, comprised of three to five (3-5) Members, or a number deemed appropriate by the Board, appointed by and reporting to the Board, shall review HLC finances and assist HLC with the development of the capital expenditure plans including debt management plans, and plans for short/ long-term projects for facilities, maintenance, and/or expansion and the operations of HLC.


Article VIII. Meetings

Meetings may be arranged for in person, virtual, or hybrid attendance, as determined by the Board. 


Section I.  Annual Meeting

  1. The Annual Meeting of HLC shall be held at HLC Clubhouse within the first two weeks of June, as determined by the Board.

    1. Notice of the annual meeting shall be posted to the website and Clubhouse bulletin board, as well as sent via electronic notification to the Members, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the scheduled meeting.

    2. The President and Treasurer, or their designee in an emergency, are required to be present and shall respectively report on the current status of HLC.

  2. At all meetings of the HLC membership, a quorum shall consist of at least 10 Voting Members.

  3. At the annual meeting, or any Special Meeting, if a vote by the membership is required, a majority of the voting membership present, and/or participating virtually, shall carry the vote.


Section 2. Special Meetings

  1. Special Meetings may be called by the Board. 

  2. Special Meetings also may be called by the membership, if requested in writing by not less than forty (40) Voting Members, unless otherwise determined by the Board. 

  3. Notice of any special meeting must state the object of the meeting and shall be communicated in the same manner as the notice of the Annual Meeting.

  4. The Officers, only in emergency circumstances in which it is not reasonably possible to convene a full Board meeting, may take any action the Board could have taken, with at least the President (or the Vice-President in the President’s absence) and at least one additional Officer voting. 


Section 3. Board Meetings

  1. Board Meetings occur monthly, with at least ten (10) meetings scheduled per year.  

  2. Board Meetings are restricted to Board members. 

    1. However, if a Voting Member would like to attend and have a concern added to the agenda, they must submit their request via email a minimum of one week before the scheduled meeting.  

    2. Members and/or others may be invited as deemed necessary by the Board.

  3. A majority of Board members, including a minimum of two (2) Officers, is considered a quorum for Board Meetings.

  4. Board members are required to attend at least eight (8) meetings per year, unless otherwise determined by the Board, to maintain their roles.  

    1. Exceptions may be made by the Board for medical/family/other matters. 

    2. Failure to regularly attend meetings/unapproved absences may result in the Board member having to forfeit his or her seat on the Board.


Article IX. Use of HLC By Others

Section I. Guests 

Members may sponsor guests as follows:

  1. Members must sign-in and accompany any guest using the HLC facility, unless granted a waiver by the Board. 

    1. Guests must abide by all HLC rules, regulations, and bylaws.

    2. Members are responsible for their guests, and are subject to repercussions resulting from any guest action that disregards HLC rules, regulations, and bylaws. 

    3. Guest fees are charged to Members for their guests, as determined by the Board. 

  2. A Member may not sponsor the same guest more than the amount per calendar month established in published rules promulgated by the Board. 


Section 2. Caregivers

Family and Single Family Memberships must register any caregiver  using HLC. The caregiver shall be at least twelve (12) years of age and remain with the Member requiring supervision while at HLC. A caregiver does not constitute a guest as defined in Article IX, Section 1.

  1. Caregivers must abide by all HLC rules, regulations, and bylaws.

  2. Members are responsible for their caregivers, and are subject to repercussions resulting from any caregiver action that disregards HLC rules, regulations, and bylaws.


Section 3. Facility Usage

The Board may approve the use of HLC facilities for events or rental. Earnest efforts to maintain continuity of access to Members will be a priority. 


Article X. Property Interests

Section 1. Use of Income

The income of HLC shall be held and used at the discretion of the Board to carry out the purposes of HLC.


Section 2. Distribution of Assets on Dissolution

HLC may dissolve and wind up its affairs in accordance with any applicable law or, if none, upon vote of a two thirds (2/3) majority of the Voting Membership. Upon dissolution, the Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all liabilities, distribute any remaining assets in accordance with the law of the State of Connecticut, as voted by the membership.


Article XI. Conflict of Interest

Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of the conflict of interest policy is to protect HLC’s interest when it is contemplating entering into a transaction or arrangement that might benefit the private interest of a Board member or might result in a possible excess benefit transaction. This is intended to supplement but not replace any applicable state and federal laws governing conflict of interest applicable to non-profit and charitable corporations.


Section 2. Definitions

  1. Interested Person - Any Board member, who has a direct or indirect financial interest, as defined below, is an interested person.

  2. Financial Interest - An Interested Person is a person who has, directly or indirectly, through business, investment, or family:

    1. An ownership or investment interest in any entity with which HLC has a transaction or arrangement;

    2. A compensation arrangement with HLC or with any entity or individual with which HLC has a transaction or arrangement; or

    3. A potential ownership or investment interest in, or compensation arrangement with, any entity or individual with which HLC is negotiating a transaction or arrangement.

      1. A Financial Interest is not necessarily a conflict of interest. Under Article XI, Section 3, a person who has a Financial Interest may have a conflict of interest only if the appropriate Board decides that a conflict of interest exists.

  3. Compensation includes direct or indirect remuneration as well as gifts or favors that exceed fifty dollars in value.


Section 3. Procedures

  1. Duty to Disclose - In connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, an Interested Person must disclose the existence of the financial interest and all material facts to the Board considering the proposed transaction or arrangement.

  2. Determining Whether a Conflict of Interest Exists - After disclosure of the financial interest and all material facts, and after any discussion with the Interested Person, he/she/they shall not be present while the determination of a conflict of interest is discussed and voted upon by the Board. The remaining Board members shall decide if a conflict of interest exists.

  3. Procedures for Addressing the Conflict of Interest 

    1. The President shall, if appropriate, appoint a disinterested person or committee to investigate alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement;

    2. After exercising due diligence, the Board shall determine whether HLC can obtain, with reasonable efforts, a more advantageous transaction or arrangement from a person or entity that would not give rise to a conflict of interest; and

    3. If a more advantageous transaction or arrangement is not reasonably possible under circumstances not producing a conflict of interest, the Board shall determine, by a majority vote not including the Board member with the potential conflict of interest, whether the transaction or arrangement is in the HLC’s best interest and whether it is fair and reasonable. In conformity with the above determination, the Board shall make its decision as to whether to enter into the applicable transaction or arrangement.

  4. Violations of the Conflicts of Interest Policy

    1. If the Board has reasonable cause to believe a Board member has failed to disclose actual or possible conflicts of interest, it shall inform the Member of the basis for such belief and afford the Member an opportunity to explain the alleged failure to disclose; and

    2. If, after hearing the Member’s response and after making further investigation as warranted by the circumstances, the Board determines the Member has failed to disclose an actual or possible conflict of interest, it shall take appropriate disciplinary and corrective action.


Section 4. Records of Proceedings

  1.  The minutes of the Conflict of Interest Board meeting shall contain: 

  1. The names of the persons who disclosed or otherwise were found to have a financial interest in connection with any actual or possible conflict of interest, the nature of the financial interest, any action taken to determine whether a conflict of interest was present, and the Board’s decision as to whether a conflict of interest in fact existed; and

  2. The names of the persons who were present for discussions and votes relating to the transaction or arrangement, the content of the discussion, including any alternatives to the proposed transaction or arrangement, and a record of any votes taken in connection with the proceedings.


Section 5. Recusal

A Board member who receives compensation (monetary or otherwise) from HLC for services directly or indirectly, other than incentive for serving on the Board as defined in Article III, Section 2, is precluded from voting on matters pertaining to that Member’s compensation.


Section 6. Annual Statements

Each Board member shall annually sign a statement that affirms such person:

  1. Has received a copy of the Conflict of Interest Policy, set forth in Article XI;

  2. Has read and understands the policy;

  3. Has agreed to comply with the policy; and

  4. Has disclosed all actual or potential conflicts of interest.


Article XII: Suits and Indemnification 

Any person made a party to any action, suit, or proceeding because he/she/they is or was an Officer, Board member, employee, or volunteer of HLC shall be indemnified by HLC against any loss, cost, damage, or expense actually and necessarily incurred by him/her/them in connection with the defense or settlement of any such action, suit, or proceeding, pending or threatened, or in connection with any appeal therein, except in relation to matters as to which it shall be adjudged in such action suit, or proceeding that such Officer, Board member, employee, or volunteer is liable for gross negligence or gross misconduct in the performance of his/her/their duties, and, provided further, that such disposition is approved by the vote of the Board. 


Article XIII.  Changes to the Bylaws and Amendments 

  1. These Bylaws may be altered, amended, or repealed at any meeting of the Board called for such purpose or purposes by the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board; provided, however, that to the extent that any provision of these Bylaws is inconsistent with the Articles of Association, the provisions of the Articles of Association shall prevail. 

  2. Amendments and/or changes to the Bylaws voted in by the Board must be shared with the membership within fourteen (14) days. Amendments will be effective until the next Annual Meeting or Special Meeting in which the full HLC membership will vote to accept/decline the new amendments.

  3. The Board is authorized to implement any “grandfather rules” which it feels are helpful and/or necessary to interpret the changes made to the bylaws.


These Amended and Restated Bylaws of the High Lane Club, Incorporated shall supersede all previous By-Laws of the High Lane Club, Incorporated as of the date first written herein. Motion made and passed on June 10, 2024, at the Annual Meeting to accept these Amended and Restated By-Laws of the High Lane Club, Incorporated. Original bylaws adopted by the Board of Governors, 1939. Revised and accepted 1984, 1993, 12/2008. 

General Rules and Expectations
Welcome to High Lane Club(“HLC”). HLC is a family oriented, fun, casual, year-round social and sports club with many activities and events held each month. We expect all members to be kind, respectful, and treat others, including the HLC staff, the way you would like to be treated. Please play fairly with others, avoid inappropriate language, and resolve disagreements in a positive way. Disrespect of HLC employees, verbal or otherwise, will not be tolerated. If you must use your cell phone while in the vicinity of others, please be respectful of their privacy and desire for a peaceful experience.


Parents or caregivers of children under twelve (12) who bring such children to HLC MUST be on HLC property with their children at all times. If your child is left unsupervised, you will be called to pick them up. Please make sure the office has your current home/work/emergency phone numbers.


HLC Correspondence

All event notifications, HLC information and updates, invoices, and meeting notices are sent via email to the membership. Please make sure the office has your current email address.


HLC Billing Policy

  • A billing statement will be emailed to your primary email address on the first of each month. Monthly dues and/or any charges will be considered late after the 15th of the month and will be charged a $25.00 late fee if payment is received after the 15th. 

  • Any member wishing to resign from the club must send a written letter addressed to the Board at least 30 days in advance.

  • Accounts must be paid in full before a resignation or leave of absence is approved.

  • If a member in good standing resigns and wishes to rejoin HLC, they will not have to pay an initiation fee if the time between their resignation and rejoining is less than the total time they were paying members. i.e. They were paying members for 5 years and left for 2 years, no initiation would be due.  If the absence exceeds 5 years, initiation fees would be due upon rejoining. 


House & Grounds Policy
Please help to keep our grounds as clean as possible by picking up after yourself and your family and guests throughout your visit and before you leave for the day. This includes disposing of trash and restoring furniture to its original location after use.


No pets are allowed on HLC property except for service animals required because of a disability. 


As a member of High Lane, you may “rent” portions of the facilities for a private party. Please check with the office for further details and information. 


Clubhouse and Lounge Policy 

  • Parents are responsible for the actions, safety, and well-being of their children.  

  • Children 12 years old and under are not allowed in the clubhouse or lounge without a parent or caregiver.  

  • Users must be respectful of club property in the lounge, including the pool table and furniture. They should only be used for their intended purposes. 

  • Wet pool attire is not allowed by anyone using the lounge.

  • No pushing, running, or roughhousing inside the clubhouse or lounge. 

  • Individuals who use the lounge and clubhouse must clean up after themselves.  

  • Please turn off lights and electronics when no one is in the lounge or if you are the last to leave the building or deck. 

  • The stage and control room are off limits at all times (unless working on a special event with HLC permission). 


Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, and Weapons Policy

Smoking & Drugs

  • Smoking, vaping, chewing tobacco, and possession or use of illegal drugs are prohibited on Club grounds at all times.

  • Recreational drugs (legal or illegal) may not be used on High Lane Club property.



High Lane Club is a family-oriented facility and as such, consumption of alcohol on the premises must be in moderation. To ensure the aims of the club are upheld and that the club and its members manage alcohol responsibly, the following requirements will apply when alcohol is consumed at the Club:  

  • Under no circumstances is glass (alcohol or otherwise) allowed anywhere except in the clubhouse, on the deck, and on the tennis patio. 

  • Per the Articles of Association, no alcohol may be sold on the premises.

  • High Lane Club members may bring their own alcohol to the Club for personal use in a discreet container

  • Underage Drinking is not permitted

    • Alcohol may not be consumed by persons aged under 21 anywhere on the property. 

    • Allowing or assisting those under 21 years old to consume alcohol is prohibited and may result in suspension or expulsion of membership per
      Article VI Section 7 of the HLC Bylaws and/or be subject to legal consequences.

  • The Club discourages excessive or rapid consumption of alcohol. 

    • Members or Guests that appear to be intoxicated may be asked to stop consuming alcohol and/or asked to immediately leave the premises. 

    • An incident log will be maintained and any incident will be recorded and communicated to the Board.

  • Alcohol may not be consumed while in the pool – only along the pool deck and grassy areas.

  • Alcohol use is not permitted during any swim or dive meets. 

  • Alcoholic beverages and containers should not be left unattended. 

    • Unattended beverages and/or containers will be discarded.

  • The Club will strictly enforce this alcohol policy at their discretion and reserves the right to request that individuals in violation of these policies immediately leave the premises. 



HLC is committed to maintaining a safe environment and prohibits the possession or use of dangerous weapons on HLC property. A dangerous weapon is defined as a firearm or any other object that, in the manner of its use or intended use, is designed to or traditionally used to inflict harm.


Guest Policy 

The tennis courts, pickle ball court, pool, clubhouse, lounge, and grounds are for the use of members only; however, members may bring guests. Members who sponsor a guest must register the guest before using the pool, pickleball, tennis courts, or grounds/clubhouse. Guests must always be accompanied by a member of HLC. 


 Guest Visits 

  • Any member who wishes to have a guest must sign their guest in at the pool main entrance gate, tennis shed, or clubhouse.  

    • Guest forms are available in the black binder located on the desk by the pool deck at the main entrance gate and in the mailbox at the tennis shack.

    • Guests must be signed in regardless of whether an employee is working at the desk.  

  • No member may sponsor more than four (4) individual guests on any one occasion, except in the case of hosting a family.

  • A member may sponsor the same guest no more than 2 times per month. 


Guest Fees 

Guests can be individuals, families, or house guests. All guest fees will be added to your invoice in the month following your guest(s) visit. 

  • An individual guest fee is $8.00 per guest per visit. 

    • For special events and holidays, guest fees are $15.00 per guest per visit.

  • A family guest fee is $25.00 per visit. 

    • For special events and holidays, family guest fees are $40.00 per family per visit.

  • An individual pickleball or Morris Dance guest fee is $5.00 per visit.

  • An individual house guest weekly pass is $50.00 per week.

    • A house guest is defined as someone who does not live in the member’s household more than 6 months per year.

    • An individual house guest monthly pass is $200.00 per month. 

  • A family house guest weekly pass is $150.00 per week.

  • An application for summer guests must be made through the office and approved by the Board for all monthly guest pass requests. 

  • Babysitters/caregivers are not charged as guests and do not have a limit on the number of times they can attend. However, the babysitter/caregiver must always be in the presence of the member and/or member’s children when the parent/guardian is not present. Where applicable, the babysitter/caregiver may participate in HLC activities to aid the child(ren) in their care.

  • Any member failing to register a guest shall be subject to a $25.00 fine in addition to paying guest fees. 

    • If any member continues to violate this rule, the member shall, subject to the discretion of the Board, be suspended from the Club, be denied guest privileges, or have the membership suspended or revoked.

  • The Board of Directors may withdraw or limit guest privileges at any time 


For tennis and pool specific rules, please refer to the HLC Tennis Rules and HLC Pool Rules.


Any member who is found in violation of any HLC Bylaws or Rules/Policies will be held accountable as deemed appropriate by the Board. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the office or Board.  


Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24, 6/4/24 


Pool Rules

We wish to have a safe and fun summer together. To foster such an environment, it is important for members to understand that we are a community, and all of our actions have potential consequences. The HLC Board kindly asks that all members keep this in mind, be cognizant and attentive to their children, and most importantly, exhibit behaviors that reflect the values of a kind, supportive, and safe community.


We ask that members treat lifeguards with respect. They have a responsibility to keep us and the pool area safe. Ideally, there will be limited items that require addressing by the lifeguards, but in the event a situation arises outside of the typical minor use of “whistles,” any members, parents, or those serving on the Board or Committee Member,  may be asked to support the lifeguards in addressing inappropriate behavior exhibited by a pool user. Please be respectful of all lifeguards and their decisions - any concerns or questions should be directed at either the Head Lifeguard, a member of the pool committee, or Board member. All incidents and inappropriate, dangerous, or rude behavior will be recorded in the Incident Log.


This year we have implemented a modification to the previous "no eating" rule on the pool decks. We will be allowing food and drinks (in a discreet metal or plastic container only), with the expectation that EVERYONE cleans up after themselves. However, if we find food or wrappers in the pool and and/or on the deck, this modification may be rescinded.  High Lane does not employ a custodian to clean the pool areas - that work is left up to the members.  Please be aware of this expectation.



  • There is no lifeguard on duty at the kiddie pool.  As such, it is expected that parents are attentive to children as they enjoy the water.

  • The kiddie pool is primarily intended for infants, toddlers, and children, age 7 and under, who cannot yet swim.  Any child using the kiddie pool is expected to behave in a way that does not impact smaller children that are using the pool (no rough-housing, horse play, etc.). 

  • Disposable swim diapers must be worn at all times in the kiddie pool for those children not toilet trained. This "diaper rule" will be strictly enforced.

  • Any messes made by families and children should be cleaned up by the family as they occur.  A hose or broom will be available to make this easier to do. 



  • Lifeguards are not babysitters. Please keep an eye on children, regardless of their swimming ability, and encourage safe use of the pool and diving areas.

  • No persons are allowed to be on the pool deck without lifeguards on duty, as it leaves yourself and the Club open to liability. 

  • Please wash or shower before entering the pool, especially after playing tennis or other strenuous activity. 

  • No running on any pool decks.

  • Children under the age of twelve (12) must always be accompanied by a parent or caregiver while they are at the Club.

  • During thunderstorms, the pool, deck, and surrounding play areas will be closed.  These areas will not be allowed to open until 30 minutes after the last thunder has occurred, as determined by the Senior Lifeguard on duty. The Senior Lifeguard is responsible for closing and reopening the pool and surrounding areas after a weather closure.

  • Any child using the main pool must be 3 years old and toilet trained for at least three months. Violation of this rule will result in a $300 fine.

    • Children wearing swim diapers, no matter what age, are NOT allowed in the main pool.

  • Children with any floatation devices must be accompanied by an adult in the pool.

  • No tubes, noodles, barbells, or other flotation devices are allowed for use in the main pool with the explicit exception for lessons, by adults using the lap lanes, or adults who require assistance due to physical limitation.

  • No diving from the black line to the shallow end wall, no jumping over the stairs or sliding down the railing on the shallow end stairs.

  • No sitting or hanging on the lane lines, pulling on the flags, jumping backwards off the wall, or sitting/standing on kickboards (they are only used for kicking in the lap lanes), no cartwheels into the pool, no jumping on others or pushing others into the pool, kids cannot go on each other’s shoulders.

  • No jumping off blocks (reserved for swim team) or climbing on Lifeguard chairs.

  • Lap lanes are reserved for swimming laps.

  • Bathing suits/swim attire must be worn. Non-swimwear, such as cut-off shorts, tee shirts, etc., are not allowed in the pool.

  • NO GLASS containers or breakable objects (like ceramic bowls) of any kind are allowed on pool property. The Club will not be held liable or responsible for any monetary fees, fines, repair costs, business interruption costs, and medical expenses that arise as a result of damage to the pool property, health code violation, or interruption of pool service that occurs due to broken glass and will be the sole financial responsibility of the offending member and/or their guest(s).

  • Please clean up after yourself and your family when leaving the pool deck (towels, clothes, toys, etc.). Plastic bottles are allowed.

  • Consult the posted rules on the pool deck.



  • One person on the board at a time.

  • Before diving, make sure the area is clear around the board and that the previous diver has reached the ladder.

  • Only one bounce at the end of the board.

  • Jump/Dive off the front of the board (not to the side of the board)

  • No hanging on the end of the board.

  • No standing on the railings or running on the board.


Please see the General Rules for additional rules that apply to the pool as well as club-wide. 


Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24 


Tennis Rules 


Dress Code

  • Use of non-tennis shoes on Har-tru courts can cause both damage to the courts and/or personal injury, therefore, tennis sneakers with flat soles are required for court play.   

    • Running sneakers, flip flops, Crocs, work boots, or casual flats may not be worn.  

    • This rule applies to everyone including young children. 

  • Appropriate tennis attire is encouraged at all times. Proper tennis attire includes tennis shorts, tennis skirts/dresses, and tee/athletic shirts.  

    • Bathing suits, beach cover ups, long dress pants, or jeans are not permitted. 



  • Be a positive example on court and play in a courteous manner. 

    • Children and beginners are looking to you for appropriate behavior.

    • Please refrain from using profanity. 

    • Yelling, swearing, racquet throwing, and abuse of equipment is not acceptable.

  • Keep in mind that others are playing next to you. When carrying on a conversation please do so at the net rather than from baseline to baseline. 

  • Cell phones must be turned off or left in vibrate mode when on the courts.

  • Upon entering/ leaving a court, please wait until the ball(s) on any adjoining courts are no longer in play.  

  • Do not cross behind active play.  

    • If a tennis ball comes on your court, return it to the original court once that court has ended play.  

  • All balls, ball cans and lids, cups, and drink containers should be disposed of or taken home by the players, as there is no trash committee for the club. If balls go outside the fence, they should be retrieved so they do not become litter.


Court Usage 

  • You must sign in to play on the Tennis board at the Tennis Shack with the court number you will be playing on and your start time to secure your court.  

    • Court play is limited to 60 minutes unless nobody else is waiting to play.

      • When your time is up, you must come off the court and give your court to the person who is at the top of the waiting list. You may not invite someone else to play doubles with you and start your time again. You can sign in on the waiting list and wait for an available court to play again.

    • People waiting to play should proceed to the next available court.  

  • During the off-season, courts and lines must be swept after play by Members prior to leaving their court. 

  • Players are expected to exercise good judgment concerning the playability of the courts.

    • Courts must not be used during wet periods when it is obvious that play will damage the playing surface. 

    • Final authority on playability of the courts rests with the Tennis Committee or its designee.

  • Youth 16 years of age and under must relinquish courts to adults after 5:00 pm weekdays, and all day Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.

  • Members are prohibited from providing lessons to other members or club guests on the Club property for any type of monetary gain or barter on or off the Club property. This rule does not apply to members who are on the tennis staff payroll and who may give lessons for a fee.


Sunday Morning Mens’ Tennis

  • From 7:00 am until 10:00 am on Sunday morning, courts 1,2,3 are reserved for Men’s play.  The other courts remain available for general club usage.

Indoor Pickleball Usage Guidelines & Rules 


  • Soft soled sneakers or athletic shoes are required.  

  • Each pickleball session is limited to 90 minutes. 

  • Up to 6 people can reserve the court for one session. 

  • Any member interested in playing pickleball must download the Team Reach app to view/schedule court time. 

    • Select HLCPB as your Group Code.  

  • Guests must be signed in following the HLC Guest Rules. 

  • Guest slips can be found on the desk nearest the deck facing the tennis courts. 



  • When reserving a time to play, please have all participants reserve their time on the Team Reach app. 

    • You can also reserve court as an individual and see if any other members are available. 

      • Please provide playing ability (beginner, advanced beginner, intermediate, etc.). 

      • You can also use the Team Reach chat feature to send messages to the full list of participants or individual members. 

    • When playing with children under 14, please note their age in the comments section on your reservation.   

  • When signing guests up to play, please list the guest’s name in the “comments” section of the Team Reach app so potential players have an accurate count of participants.  

  • Please note cancellations on the Team Reach app as soon as they are known.  

  • Please be aware that volunteers are opening and closing the court, so please be respectful of their time and commitment to indoor pickleball.

  • Any questions, please email John Higgins at


Please see the General Rules for additional rules that apply to tennis as well as club-wide. 


Rev. 1/27/2023, 12/20/23, 5/16/24 


  • Any member who is found in violation of the Member Rules/Policies will be held accountable as deemed appropriate by the Board of Governors at the High Lane Club.


Thank you for your interest in the High Lane Club. A confirmation email has been sent to the email address entered above. We'll review your application and be in touch soon!

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